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Support US
different Avenues where you can help families in need

By participating in our challenges and fundraising with The Stride Project , you will be able to help families in providing healthier and less stressful home environments and lifestyle circumstances for overall care and well-being.

Here is a compilation of special needs shared by a variety of cancer patients and their families. Your fundraising efforts will help provide support to sponsored families, addressing a wide range of needs, including some of the following.

  • Helping with day-to-day activities such as doctor visits or preparing food

  • Giving medicines or helping with physical therapy or other clinical tasks

  • Helping with tasks of daily living such as using the bathroom or bathing

  • Coordinating care and services from a distance by phone or email

  • Giving emotional and spiritual support

  • Grocery delivery, meal trains, gift cards for food

  • House cleaning and other house chores

  • Financial relief

  • Pet sitter

  • Hospital parking fees, snacks, drinks while at hospital

  • Assistance to run errands

  • Medical advocate – someone to help you navigate the system

  • Home healthcare, medical supplies

  • Sitters for patient so the caretakers can get a break

  • Homes or retreat places for caretakers, potentially cancer patients

  • Counseling, spiritual counseling, family/ couples counseling, grief support

  • Gym membership/ Personal Trainer

  • Reflexology, massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture

  • Grief support

  • Someone to organize drugs for family

  • Medical supplies


Here's a list of strategies for fundraising using our online platform:

  1. Create a Compelling Campaign Page:

    • Design an attractive and informative campaign page that clearly explains your cause, your fundraising goal, and why people should support your campaign.

  2. Tell a Powerful Story:

    • Share a personal or emotional story that connects with your cause. Make it relatable and engaging to inspire potential donors.

  3. Set Clear Goals:

    • Clearly state your fundraising goal, and explain how the funds will be used. People are more likely to contribute when they understand the impact of their donation.

  4. Leverage Social Media:

    • Promote your campaign on social media platforms to reach a wider audience. Use images, videos, and hashtags to increase visibility.

  5. Engage with Supporters:

    • Respond to comments, messages, and emails promptly. Engaging with your supporters builds trust and encourages more donations.

  6. Email Campaigns:

    • Send out personalized email campaigns to your existing supporters, sharing your Pledge It campaign and asking for their help.

  7. Team Fundraising:

    • Encourage friends, family, and supporters to create their own fundraising teams on Pledge It. Teams can compete or collaborate to reach fundraising goals.

  8. Track and Share Progress:

    • Regularly update your campaign page with progress updates, showcasing how close you are to reaching your goal.

  9. Corporate Matching:

    • Encourage supporters to check if their employers offer corporate matching for charitable donations. Provide guidance on how to take advantage of this option.

  10. Thank-You Videos:

    • Personalized video messages to donors can be a powerful way to express gratitude and build a stronger connection.

  11. Regular Communication:

    • Keep donors informed about the impact of their contributions and the progress of your cause. Regular newsletters or email updates can help maintain donor engagement.

  12. Collaborate with Influencers:

    • Partner with social media influencers or local celebrities who are passionate about your cause. Their endorsement can bring in a broader audience.

  13. Testimonials and Success Stories:

    • Share stories of individuals or families who have benefited from your cause. Real-life testimonials can inspire others to donate.

  14. Deadline Urgency:

    • Set a deadline for your campaign to create a sense of urgency. People are more likely to act when they have a limited time frame to do so.

  15. Thank-You Page and Follow-up:

    • After someone donates, redirect them to a thank-you page with options to share the campaign. Follow up with an email thanking them and sharing updates.

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